The Sisters of the Holy Family, founded in San Francisco, California in 1872, is an apostolic religious institute of pontifical rite. It is an apostolic institute because Father John Prendergast (pictured above center) and Miss Lizzie Armer founded it to seek out with compassion the poor and needy, especially families, for the kingdom of God. In the spirit of the Holy Family of Nazareth the sisters strive to live and work in simplicity, hospitality of heart, faith and charity. They are witness to the good news and stand against conditions that demean or undermine the dignity of persons or the sacredness of the family. By their lives of service, in which action and contemplation were integrated, the congregation’s founders have given it a model for continuing personal conversion and compassionate service of others. John Prendergast described this congregation’s members as “Gleaners for the Kingdom.”